Finally, something to get all amped up for! This year is filled with new awesome film sequels and reboots that we just can’t wait for! So,...
Society. I hate society so much. Girls are taught from such a young age that “beautiful” is in the shape of a plastic barbie doll, when...
You must’ve watched at least one of those old epic Egyptian series! One of the best things to do with the family a long time ago...
Whether you’re looking for ways to propose for your beloved one or you’re looking for a sweet or funny way to prompose to take your girlfriend/boyfriend/best...
What time is it? WINGS TIME! Once again, foodies; we’re bringing you the best spots to enjoy your favorite meals in the city of Cairo. This...
Recently, everybody is seeing those ads on Instagram where Urban Outfitters, H&M, Nike, DWCRE, Victoria Secret etc. retailers recruiting influencers and models and are posting it...
Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.People who report a...
Being happy is one of the most hardest things you’ll have to go through in this generation. Life was way simpler decades ago and everyone was...
Behold, my fellow…cave lovers! Here’s everything we’ve been waiting for; a new hangout spot that is so different from anything we’ve known. Somewhere intriguing and fun!...
Personally, I believe that there a lot of hidden Asian gems in Cairo that we should pay more attention to. Asian food is delicious, yet underrated...