Since we’re stuck in home for god only knows how long and if you’re the outgoing type who can’t stand the lock down, then you have...
The coronavirus sure imposes a great threat on all of us and while we can’t completely eliminate the risk, one thing we can do is eat...
2020 isn’t even half way through and it has already taken its toll on all of us, with all the breaking news we keep reading and...
A big lawsuit was filed against Declan Walsh, the Chief of New York Times, as well as Ruth Michaelson ,The Guardian correspondent, for reporting incorrect information...
The Coronavirus has been a wild ride for the Egyptian population. It started out as a distant catastrophe happening somewhere around the world. Little did we...
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused so much crisis and conflict amongst all countries worldwide. People have been dying, suffering, and much more. Events, concerts, and almost...
Since the coronavirus scare started, we have all been under stress and panicking over what to do, also the spread of the virus had led to...
Since the Coronavirus has been expanding, every day we hear new news regarding the virus and things never remain stable. At the first we all thought...
What with the whole fuss about the Coronavirus, things have been getting a bit out of hand. Events are being cancelled, people are getting into self-quarantine,...
After the decision of suspending schools and universities for two weeks, schools have started offering substitutes and online lecturing to carry on with the semester. Since...