Huge announcement up ahead! Do you have any idea how hard it is for hit celebrities to have to come out with the truth and say...
March is all about female empowerment and this month, Spotify is celebrating female voices in honor of International Women’s Day with a list of top 10...
Even though women should be celebrated all year long, March will always be the month that grants us the chance to truly acknowledge the tremendous effort...
Both of Egypt’s Finance Minister Mohamed Maeet and heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub received on Tuesday night the prestigious BT100 award by the leading economics magazine Business...
The CoronaVirus has been a serious matter of topic for the past few months. The thing is, it keeps getting worse and expanding day by day...
Nowadays, it’s quite easy to keep holding your phone and get lost in it. Whether for texting, calls, or maybe even scrolling your social media feed...
We all love and cherish staying at home and relaxing just the way you want to. Maybe play a little music or just kicking back or...
Egyptian Youtuber Ahmed ElGhandour, aka ElDa7ee7, has been granted the chance to speak at Harvard University! Yes, the prestigious IVY league university and we’re filled with...
Throughout history, we got to encounter various viruses and flues that got us quite worried about our health such as the Swine Flu , we went...
For all you sweet tooth’s out there, we know how much you crave desserts and delicious things. Rather than your typical cake or maybe even Cinnabon,...