This is merely a reminder of all the things that we, as busy, stupid humans tend to forget sometimes. It’s important to know that there are...
The Last Supper is one of the world’s most famous paintings of all time. The painting was created during the late 1490s (late 15th century) by...
It’s mama’s day again! The time of the year when we have to give back to that incredible woman who’s been handling our mess ups all...
Before we get down to it, we need to admit to ourselves that some women are just not exactly “Mom-material”. They have no idea what the...
There’s a rule in Egyptian Cinema that black people are only allowed to play certain roles. These roles include: the janitor, the housekeeper, the prostitute, the...
I lost you the moment I laid my eyes on you I lost you the first time you gazed back I lost you when I first...
How long does it really take for a person to detect certain patterns about themselves? For me, it took around five years. It took me five...
Ya, let’s do this! It’s gonna be fun and it might scar you for life, as well. So, where’s the harm? 1. The Patriot: 2....
We met up with superstar Mai Ezz El Din in order to fill you in on her latest news! The actress was feeling adventurous enough to accept...
Every now and then, you find yourself sitting with your broke best friends, with absolutely no plans in mind and no cash to come up with...