Ever since the Coronavirus began worsening throughout the days in several countries, quarantines and places being shut down was the safest option to ensure the health of all our people.
On the other hand, some people took the news about having to stay at home pretty bad and ignored the laws that were enforced on us regardless of the Coronavirus being a dangerous pandemic that we are trying to keep at bay.
Some countries have created a fine for people to pay if they were to break the rules. Dubai has taken serious action against anyone who is violating the preventive instructions and measures that were given by the government. Believe it or not, according to the rules by the country’s cabinet, a fine for up to $13,600 will be payed for serious violators.
Some people may believe that these decisions are too rough but the seriousness as well as extremity of the virus is getting worse, and people would rather be safe than sorry. Commanding a fine this high and expensive will hopefully keep people at home and make them understand that this is no joke.
The Ministry of Interior, The Ministry of Health and Prevention, and the State News Agency have reported that the fines will commence at $136 and above depending on what they have violated.
The citizens would pay a fine if they refuse to be hospitalized, unnecessary travel, or even go against abiding by the home quarantine instructions. Yes, Dubai is taking things very strictly out of fear of taking things lightly such as Italy and China did. Look at where they are today.
UAE has recorded at least 400 cases of people that have been infected with COVID-19 which is why they have initiated a three day disinfection that had forced people to be restricted from roaming around the country freely.
Here are few of the laws that have been enforced on the people:
- $272.26 fine for not wearing medical masks indoors
- $272.26 fine for unnecessary visits to hospitals and other health facilities
- $272.26 fine for allowing more than 3 persons in car
- $272.26 fine for not maintaining social distancing while walking
- $544.51 fine for leaving home with no important work or a genuine reason
We are glad that UAE is taking extreme safety precautions. When people see the number on this list, they’ll definitely be more willing to cooperate and follow the rules!